Monday, September 22, 2014

Long Time, No See!

Sometimes... it's just not you time.

So look who decided to write on her blog again after months and months of being away...

I really did want to be back! I swear! But I wasn't allowed to. Honestly, I hadn't done anything I truly wanted to till Summer break started! And with camp and all... I still wasn't ready to write here again.

But today, for dome reason, I felt this crazy urge to just come here and write something. Anything.
It remimded me of what it felt like long ago, when I started this journey...

I can't promise "posts everyday" or even "posts every week" (I actually don't know if I got into college yet so... I have no idea of how my life will be in a week!), but I can promise you this: I love blogging, and writting and sharing my thoughts with you. So I'll try my best to keep doing it.

And yes, I'm totally crazy for having 3 blogs (actually, almost 4, but that's a totally different post I'll do soon...), 2 YouTube channels, and still do school, drama club, dance classes, singing classes... Oh and find time to watch tons and tons of series somehow...

Yep. I'm 100% crazy!

But I love it all!! So I keep going, even if sometimes I have to leave a couple of things behind to focus on the ones that are colling me the most at the time.

My goal is to be able to manage all this and not fail any of the things (at least not too much). Complicated? Yes. Impossible? I hope not!

So here I am, on my couch, wearing my PJ's, listening to the rain outside, with FashionTV on and writing on my blog.

I have to say... it feels pretty good!

Today's motto: "If you can't do it all at one, start by doing one thing at a time. At some point, all will be done."

Today's song:

Today's pic:

Hearts Hugs and Kisses

Ella <3